As the ONLY hybrid tech platform + financial backoffice
We help real estate operators and investors maximize their NOI, with less time, money and effort.
The Terra Story
We know real estate. So we know exactly what you need to get the most out of your portfolio.
It started like this:
As a property manager pre–Terra, I experienced the issues firsthand:
the staffing issues
the messy accounting
the software overwhelm
the inefficient operations
the Google sheets (the Google sheets!)
the mounds of tedious (but important) paperwork
Yes, there was the option to hire specialists and build an operational platform in-house. But it was prohibitively expensive. The learning curve was steep. And what about hiring and training staff?
I knew there had to be a better way
a) easy to implement
b) affordable to use
c) all-inclusive
And so, Terra began with the mission:
Operational consulting?
Technology consulting?
Technology set-up?
Accounting services?
In-depth reporting?
Onboarding service?

We’re a team of 80+
helping business owners like you uplevel their portfolios with less time, money, and effort!
Get to Know Us
Joel Weinberger
Joel had always been surrounded by everything real estate + he always wanted to open his own business, so when he saw the need for a full-solution platform, he jumped right in and opened Terra. He’s also underwritten hundreds of successfully syndicated multi-family deals–an outcome of his combined industry experience and his background in finance (he holds a Masters's in Accounting). When he’s not doing something real-estate related, he enjoys spending time with his family.
Solving old problems in new ways.
Naftali Hellman
Naftali’s ability to see the big picture (take every last detail into account) and turn that jumbled mess into organized systems both for our clients and internally makes him a superstar, in our eyes (and the perfect CEO). This is even further complemented by the strong personal relationship he builds with each client. With a Master's in Accounting + vast industry exposure + the ability to think past what’s always been done, Naftali is uniquely positioned to innovate strong operating frameworks for Terra and real estate companies.
In order to create solutions for clients, you need to first get to know them well - their business goals, their preferences, their operations.
Seema Gruman
An energetic and driven administrator, Seema builds and oversees all the accounting systems and processes at Terra. Aside from being an accounting genius (she finished her Master’s in Accounting with a 4.0 index and her CPA at 21), her past experience in real-estate operations gives her the unique ability to construct financials that tell a clear story of a businesses' finances (so our clients tell us). Her other interests include cooking, shopping, and spinning (at 6am!).
Accounting is not just number-crunching. It should tell the properties’ story and be the perfect marriage between operations and finances.
Rachel Marcus
Rachel has been with Terra since the very beginning–and is the battery powering all of Terra’s operations (was, is, and will be). Ever solution-oriented, her main focus is to make sure all our operations are running smoothly, from ensuring our team members are fully trained to fulfilling every last client need, and everything in between.
Exceeding our clients expectations with spectacular service to ensure their success.
Terra Firma Truths
Quick, friendly
service is #1
It’s a fast-moving industry with lots of moving pieces. We help you stay ahead of the game.
Decisions aren't a guessing game
They should be based on data. Clear, easily accessible, trustworthy data.
Better systems =
better margins
Do it once, do it right. It’s worth getting set up right to maximize the value of the property.
not followers
If there’s a better way to do it, we’re doing it. We stay up-to-date on all the latest softwares and are always innovating better practices.
Our Story
Do it all with Terra.
Run efficient operations +
double-down on your business growth.
Here to Serve You
Department Heads
Ariella Kraft
Avigail Gordon
Batya Gutmann
Chaya Rothenberg
Devorah Greenwald
Elisheva Fox
Ariella Kraft
Breindy Willner
Chava Halberstadt
Sara Ritter
Temima Krischer
Tovi Indik
Yocheved Levi
Senior Accountants
Hillel Groner
Esther Breski
Hadassa Stern
Jack Munk
Minna Spanier
Mali Raitzik
Michael Stern
Ricki Mermelstein
Nechama Leitman
Shifra Shmagin
Hadassah Friedman
Chana Engelstein
Evelyn Lieber
Miriam Drebin
Naomi Leff
Naomi Wagshall
Ricki Mermelstein
Rina Appel
Ruthy Yagan
Sarah Klein
Etty Frankel
Zehava Ganchrow
Account Managers
Dassy Waldman
Adina Flagler
Sara Wainbrand
Hindy Friedman
Sushmita Osei
Yocheved Kallner
Shaindy Berglas
Teri Amsel
Accounts Payable
Gitty Grossman
Gila Benaim
Avigail Gordon
Batya Gutmann
Chaya Rothenberg
Devorah Greenwald
Tehila Elbila
Rachel Grosz
Miriam Heimlich
Rivka Greenwald
Rivka Kestenbaum
Tziporah Stepen
Sara Adam
Sara Oppenheimer
Revenue Management
Yehudis Glustein
Basya Lieberman
Batsheva Bader
Batsheva Bastian
Rachel Cywiak
Chaya Sara Fischer
Michal Finski
Shoshana Polak
Tsipora Cohen
Matty Snyder
Chavi Gottesfeld
Onboarding and Support
Esti Holtz
Fridi Elefant
Gaily Berman
Amy Weichman
Etty Langner
Leah Grossman
Aviva Celnick
Beth Godfrey
Devoiry Heilpern
Esther Sussman
Hadassah Friedman
Kevin Trencher
Michal Scheriber
Shiffy Weldler
Here to Serve You
Department Heads
Ariella Kraft
Avigail Gordon
Batya Gutmann
Chaya Rothenberg
Devorah Greenwald
Elisheva Fox
Ariella Kraft
Breindy Willner
Yocheved Levi
Sara Ritter
Temima Krischer
Sarah Klien
Here to Serve You
Client Support
CLIENT Support
CLIENT Support
CLIENT Support
CLIENT Support
CLIENT Support